you make me the happiest
posted by
, Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 10:56 PM, in
eleven prayers
posted by
, Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 2:19 AM, in
I pray that you find the courage to believe in our love and what we can and will do to sustain it. That you will believe once again in your capacity to endure greater things for us both. I always say that you shouldn’t ask for something you cannot give. I am asking for you to anchor your heart to mine for the rest of your life because that is what I will do, because that is what I have done from day one.
I pray that you see through the days without doubting that time will keep our hearts apart. You have become this stern and unwavering truth in my life and I hold on to you and to us every single day there is. Believe that all my hours are imbued with a desire which I cannot contain, a desire that spill over thoughts of wanting to hold nobody else but you for the rest of my life.
I pray that you will never lose sight of your own magic and energy. That you will never lose sight of your own light. The same magic, tenacity and light leads my heart out of dark nights and into a life, a dream, a future filled with so much love and hope. All these that I hold now are for you and you alone.
I pray that you will remain to be the person I have come to love and appreciate. Though change is inevitable, I want for you to know that my heart will continue to see all the beauty and grace that is in you, all the wonder and kindness that is you. Long as we are looking at the same direction, the same path, the same future, we will be each other’s constant and touchstone. The changes will only merit new discoveries for us both – they will give us something else to value in each other.
I pray that you know you are my compass. And even if it’s too grand of an idea, I hope you find it in your heart to believe in all the words and promises I have uttered. You steer my course to something brighter, something more hopeful. You lead my heart to a lifetime full of fire and passion. A life full of both dreams and realities.
I pray that you never stop believing in your gifts, that you never stop doing what you are passionate about – because only when you have loved yourself enough that you can sustain giving love to another. I will strive to do the same thing while we have all these ahead of us. If there is anything you have taught me, it is to look after myself and see the importance of following what makes me happy. But let me tell you this – in the end, you have also made me realize that the more I love myself, the more I am leaning to you, and the light you cast in my life. I am going to give it all back to you every day.
I pray that you continue to witness all the goodness you have in your life. The roads that forked and hurt us led us exactly where we found each other. Let us bless all those times we weren’t with each other – because they certainly made the waiting worth it and since you and I, there has not been a day empty of a surprise. I bless the moment I saw you in a different light, that moment I thought to myself: “If I could only love her and make her feel how much of myself I can offer.” I bless the moment you held me close to kiss me and said you love me. I bless the courage you took to be with me, and the faith I offered up to be who I am and who I always have been to you and for you – your best friend, your wife, your lifetime.
I pray that you will always hold my words within your heart. You are my muse and you are the cistern of my thoughts – and I intend living the rest of my life filling such space with love and desire and intensity and delight – until the day comes you will never feel you have to empty yourself in order to give. Remember you always have more than enough to give. I am flawed and imperfect and I have quirks that drive you insane – but I know one thing – that I can give you a lifetime of love and chances and surrender. Because I could not love you any other way, because you deserve nothing less.
I pray that you feel my love and the fire that burns steadily as I wait for you. You know I will keep my promise and I trust that you will come back. I have spared myself from thinking of how difficult things could and might be, all that I think of now is that I will have you for a lifetime, and that you will have me every waking second of your life. That has not stopped, actually. Though we are not together, you know I never left your side. I will be with you through this, I will see you through this. I will gather all that I understand of love and of strength of conviction and offer them to you. Hold on to us, hold on to me, my love.
I pray that your nights be gentle and your days be calm. I pray that before you succumb to slumber and say your own prayers, you think of us. And that you never stop trusting I will be with you, until the end. We create our own stories, so allow me to write this one with you. I ask that I spend all my days loving you like you have never felt before. That is all I ask. A chance, a moment, a lifetime.
we will always find a way
posted by
, at 2:10 AM, in