with my blood. and my immune system. i seem to attract blood suckers more than i attract luck. bummer.
just last sunday, as i was enjoying a glass of coke and listening to music, my left leg began to itch. i did not mind it at first - or i tried not to mind it - until the itch felt like a seething ember under my skin and when i checked it, voila! there's a map on my leg:

i knew i was bitten by the ill-famed blood sucker - i don't exactly know which one it was, as i haven't thought of granting them their proper individual names, because i don't suppose i have met all of them. i have killed some of them and another close encounter is the last thing i am wishing for right now.
for the next few days, i experienced a subtle, burning feeling. i would scratch my skin every now and then, and especially when it was hot. that's odd. the hotter it was, the itchier the allergy became.
anyway, when i got home earlier and i changed to my house clothes, i noticed a group of small, red patches on the same leg that was bitten. and i counted the patches - there were 8 in total. and i am predicting that there were either 8 different tiny insects that bit me, or one big, selfish blood sucking culprit tried his luck to drink all the blood he could eight different times. having taken this photograph, i suddenly felt like a minute solar system has erupted from my leg: