thank you
posted by
, Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 9:47 PM, in
imani's aphorism
prime (part iii)
posted by
, Monday, August 25, 2008 at 2:24 AM, in

I just realized I have been calling her by her first name. I hope she does not loathe me for doing so.
So I mustered all the courage that I could, took a deep breath and went up to her. I have this slightly and naturally deep voice for my age and my size, so what I did I modulated my voice. I called her attention using a smaller voice. I felt like a cat whimpering in her presence. Here’s our entire conversation (as I recall it):
Me: Hello, Jessica.
Me: Can you sign this book
In a parallel universe, Jessica would have looked at me one second and would have eaten me alive the next. Thank God we are in this universe. So she looked at me and uttered:
Jessica: For who?
…Pregnant pause…
Me: (after clearing my throat) Me.
Jessica: What’s your name?
Me: Téa. T-E-A.
And she took the book (actually, her book) from my hands, flapped the cover and neatly wrote:
For Tea
In blue ink. I would have asked for her to write on her book using black ink, but by that time I already have passed out and the last thing I heard was Jessica screaming for them to douse me with cold water.
prime (part ii)
posted by
, at 2:11 AM, in

I just wanted to put another picture of her.
Okay, I'll stop now. Promise.
After reading a number of her books, I know that she really does not give a damn about what other people think of her. That she does not give so much regard for men in general. Her lighter and more considerate depiction of men were intended only for celebrities like Sting and David Duchovny.
So going back to Jessica, I scoured some more, and saw a sign that said she will only autograph books that were purchased on the book fair. So I picked a copy of Womenagerie. The end.
No seriously. So I waited for the wall to spew Jessica out. And waited some more. Then I finally heard a voice over the P.A. that she’s in the same building as I am. I am breathing the same fusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide with her. OMG. It’s real, after all.
prime (part i)
posted by
, at 1:41 AM, in

Basically, I am writing this to simply help my brain comprehend and digest the fact that women in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s have become hotter now more than ever. Hot. One way or another. Others might share the same insight. Others might not. I could care less, really.
To begin with –
Angelina Jolie. That’s it. Thank you. Wrap up guys.
Up to this very moment, I still believe that when she was born, she came with a warning sign that said:
Maybe I am just imagining things. Maybe it's true.
What I know is that I won't mind at all - if she'd skin me alive or eat my entrails while I look at her. Kidding. I don't think she's capable of threatening people. Sometimes she just makes them feel they look inferior, that's all.
Angelina just turned 33 this year. And I think I, if not we, could blame the increase in the Earth’s temperature to her over the last three decades. Because of her, solving global warming has become even more difficult. You cannot annihilate Angelina Jolie so you can save the world. It’s not her fault to be so insanely beautiful. She practically embodied my idea of lusciousness and hotness when I was growing up. And she is inarguably gorgeous. Not to mention that she has established herself as a humanitarian. For that I think she earned a gazillion brownie points in heaven. In terms of appeal, I think she is the standard to which all the others are compared. If I would ever meet Angelina, I would gladly tell her that I would be her slave; I would cut her toenails for her and take her clothes to the drycleaners for free. Angelina – if you would ever read this, I hope you would consider my offer and please know that my offer does not and will not expire.
I hope you all remember Jodie Foster, known for her role as Clarice Starling. Aside from being Hannibal Lecter’s love interest in the movie, she was also a constant figure in my daydreams and fantasies. Now I know that made me sound like a sex lunatic but I won’t take it back. I know that The Silence of the Lambs really isn’t something you would like for a kid in grade school to watch, but what happened already happened. So don’t worry Mom, I grew up normal, sans the tendencies to wear masks or practice cannibalism. Oh and by the way, she’s 46 years old now.
something to ponder on
posted by
, at 12:24 AM, in
imani's aphorism
i think so
posted by
, Friday, August 22, 2008 at 6:23 PM, in
imani's aphorism
a day of reckoning
posted by
, at 9:29 AM, in
I was literally dragging the toothbrush across my teeth and just totally lost the adrenaline junkie in me. I absolutely did not feel the need to whack myself to wake the hell out of me. It all felt alright to be catatonic. It all felt alright to simply let things be.
I just learned that one of my best friends at work is going…is leaving (for the greater good). And with that said, it is inevitable that she leaves us.
I hate this feeling. The feeling that something bad is looming in the horizon. The feeling that something will happen and that ‘something’ will change the course of things when it occurs.
I do not fear for my best friend (Chika Grande) – I know that she will be okay and that everything will be alright. Perhaps, now, more than anything, I fear the idea (and soon the reality) that I won’t be able to bask in her presence…that she won’t be around too much. I sure will miss her light, humor and laughter. I am afraid of having to deal with that too soon.
It is like everything that I have been trying to avoid for the past two years is suddenly being magnified to a terrifying degree…and that is the plausibility that again, of course, since we are (I would like to believe) grown ups, we need to make decisions that might involve not being around each other constantly.
Since I created this blog, I have wanted to write something about my doyens – that is – my best buds at work. Basically, ‘doyen’ is synonymous to ‘master.’ So all three of us are masters of something. J is the Doyen of Weird Attraction – that means she attracts weirdness. You name it. Weird situations, weird notions, weird people. E is the Doyen of Forced Abstinence, and I think that already says a lot. Alternately, E can be called the Doyen of Lewdness and Lechery, which, I think, again, would already give us ‘not’ the vaguest idea about my best guy friend. E and J gave each other’s names.
I know at this point you probably are already getting irritated – that is just how we really call each other, by our initials.
And of course, I am T. I christened myself. I gave myself my own name. I don’t know why. It just happened. I think for the longest time I did not have a name so I invented one. I am the Doyen of Contradictions and Complications. And if J and E were here they would say that the name is apt and that I can actually be complicated without ever diminishing my hotness (ahahah…now that’s purely me).

Today is a day of reckoning – a day when we need to sum up all the best and the worst that has happened the last two years. Today is also a day for answers. And the truth is that nothing will ever be lost. Nothing will ever be forgotten. I am sure that we will always look after one another, even when we don’t work in the same friggin place anymore.
They both have hauled the very best out of me. They are the reason why the pathetic becomes tolerable and why the unacceptable can be…well, considered. Their magic and wisdom has guided me and will continue to guide me. I will miss J. I will miss having to see all the three of us together.
But whatever happens…you both will always be my stoplight.

posted by
, Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 6:37 PM, in
For the past two weeks we have successfully wreaked havoc in each other’s supposedly normal and ordinary life.
I have my reasons for asking her for some time, for a ‘break,’ for some space. But each and every time we touch that subject we both end up throwing a lot many words and the tendency of course is for everything else to get lost in translation.
But that’s not the point. The point is – every time a frontier dawns before us, we are always led to remember what we both have done and sacrificed to stay together this long. Thank God that always happens.
I remember crying with her and to her because of things I ‘think’ I cannot take anymore, not because they have become too heavy but because at one point it all felt useless to keep holding on.
And then I remembered seeing only the truth in her eyes.
The truth that there couldn’t be anything more painful than walking away from the one I love the most. The truth that there is nothing that I cannot attempt or learn to accept – if it meant holding her longer and keeping her forever.
The truth that everything I fear has manifested and has become tangible all because I am going to be without her.
I am not sure if she still believes me when I say that I love her. And that I intend to keep her for always.
I am staying not because I think nothing else awaits me if we’d part. I am not staying because this is the most convenient thing to do. I am staying because I understand what it means to fight for you and for us. I am staying because I understand that there would be so much to regret if I decide to let you go. I am staying with you because I know that I would not miss this for the world. I am staying because you have become my light and my life. I am staying because of you.
Nothing has changed – even when I was overcome by my confusion and was drowning in the reality of things beyond my control – I hope you still find in your heart – my unaltered and ever constant passion and longing for you.
My only one.
evacuation plan
posted by
, Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 2:01 PM, in
I mean, if things suddenly go wrong, I do not have an escape plan, a contingency plan to follow. I know nothing of a failsafe procedure to prevent the sh*t from hitting the fan.
The other day I was staring at our (office) evacuation plan. Well, I suppose everyone knows what it looks like. It’s got a mark that says ‘YOU ARE HERE’ and arrows that would lead you to the building’s exit.
I hope I have something like that in my life. Maybe a simple map that would show me where I am as of a certain moment…and would tell me what other paths I can take to get myself somewhere.
Because I feel like I have lost all sense of direction. I feel like I have been wandering to no end. I am definitely not saying that my life is empty, I suppose what I want to say is that I go from senselessness to finding my purpose then back to senselessness again. There is a cycle, yes, I do not doubt that…but like I what I mentioned on my other post, it is a vicious cycle and it is starting to exhaust me. It is starting to take its toll on me.
Realizing that I do not have a plan in place in case of emergency really bothered me. And to come up with one is a matter of national security.
Yet I am in limbo. When have I not been in one anyway?! I am torn between continuing to be the spontaneous person that I am and turning out to be an obsessive compulsive masochist who plans for her life for the next ten years and gets disgruntled each and every time the plan falters. I am not sure if I am ready to see ‘that.’
Just like what my best friend J aka Chica Grande said: “Uncertainty leaves room for wonder.”
Uncertainty does. Certainly.
It leaves room for wonder. And one hell of a space for so many other things – soul-searching, for one. But the odds are apparent. In uncertainty, we can either be victors or victims of tragedy.
But whether I fall or succeed, whether I come up with a plan or not…there is one thing I know I am sure of -
Regardless of what happens, the sense of wonder and amazement will remain within. And if and when I stumble, I know I would be grateful. Road blocks and my own personal limitations simply would tell me that there is a lot to learn and that we never can really prepare for everything.
thriving in darkness
posted by
, Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 6:10 PM, in
I am the ugliest person I know. I am irrational, insensitive, inconsiderate, doubting, untrusting. I am someone without form or character. I am someone who continually disappoints those around me. I am someone who remembers even the smallest, dumbest things. There is something wrong with me, I know. I am always inquisitive. I almost always do not believe the first answer I get.
I am twisted. I forbid change. I am a low form of animal for I have leveled myself with those who do not exist in my universe. It is that which we fear the most that ends up eating us alive and inside out. It is what we avoid that normally manifests in front of us when we least expect it.
erase and rewind
posted by
, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 at 6:18 PM, in
I’ve changed my mind. I’ll take it back. Erase and rewind.
Today is odd. I was late for 18 minutes. Darn it. I overslept. What a sloppy reason. But that’s the truth.
Erase and rewind. I really am not sure how I was able to survive the past few days in that condition or state of mind.
Everything is just so routinary now. One step forward. Two steps back. Actually everything that I do now follows that vicious cycle.
I go to work. I need to accomplish a lot of things. I never seem to run out of stuff to do. Which is alright sometimes because you don’t want to not do anything at all. But sometimes it all just becomes too common, too dull. And when things become common and dull, I usually turn to working twice as hard – just to deviate my attention.
Which of course is not good.
So yeah, I keep on changing my mind.
I am just so…bored. How do you survive utter, debilitating boredom? Writing does not seem to suffice these days. Because if I am totally bored, tendency is for my mind to be in a trance. And when that happens, it will only mean I won’t have enough creative juice to extract so that I could write.
Just like now. I am actually just blabbing whatever. I just wanted to see something on the screen that’s why I am typing. It’s my last break for today. And I do not want to go anywhere. My legs are aching from going up and down the stairs. Weird. How I allow myself to be in such a lethargic condition.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
My work today has consumed everything in me. And I suppose it’s too late to stop things from getting worse.
I am just really waiting for my day to get darker, get slower. There’s still about a couple more hours before my shift ends. The horizon does not look so bright from where I am.
I am stuck in senselessness. I would not say that I am helpless. I always have believed we are responsible for our day. We make the choice. We are the supposed ‘masters’ of our fate.
But I just really don’t want to be a salmon going against the current. I do not want to battle the inevitable.
I simply want to stay where I am.
In languor. In oblivion.
an inconvenient truth
posted by
, Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 12:40 AM, in
something else

mr. al gore, who used to be the next president for the united states, carefully discussed various reasons as to why our environment now - the world at large - is heading for a downward spiral.
if you do not have the slightest concern for the future generations, you probably wouldn't care. but it is difficult not to.
it basically sheds light on a crisis that we all will be victims of - as well as its culprits - the climate crisis.
the science depicted in the film was just so immense and undeniable, that it leaves its audience overwhelmed and flabbergasted - all for the scariest reasons.
so what is this crisis?
when i was in fourth grade and was studying environmental science, one of the things that my teacher discussed was that of global warming - and what stuck with me was a simple idea of what already has started happening at that time - that earth's atmosphere is changing and that the ozone layer has a hole.
in this day and age, we all have made global warming truly universal. we are all accountable for it. we are all responsible for it.
we are all affected and will be doomed if we do not begin understanding what it truly is...and start taking the necessary steps to help one another save what can be saved.
normally, carbon dioxide and other gasses are trapped in the earth's atmosphere to keep the temperature livable. what happened was that irresponsible burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) has exponentially increased the CO2 in our atmosphere - ergo, causing for the earth's temperature to rise.
what's alarming is that the drastic change in the climate has resulted to a lot of things, some are:
- the ice caps in the arctic and antartic are melting that the polar bears drown - all because they can't find a stable land of ice to stay in. they would swim for up to 60 miles looking for it.
- because the oceans are warmer now, typhoons, cyclones and hurricanes occur more often
- heat waves increased in frequency and intensity
- more and more species of animals and plants are driven to extinction
mr. gore remains to be an optimist about this battle. and i agree with him. we can rectify this issue by taking action now. mere alteration in our daily routines can add up to a big differences in helping humankind survive and thrive.
i felt a great moral compulsion to write about what i saw. because i want to reach out to as many people as share an awareness about the long-standing conflict between earth and us, humans - and the reality that we never can escape nature's wrath.
when you think of it, nothing could really be more frightful than losing something that you really care about.
read more about the 10 simple tips that can reduce our impact to this crisis:

leaving faith
posted by
, Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 12:56 PM, in
And it took me back to the beginning of my supposed addiction to self-inflicted pain a.k.a. tattooing.
Deciding to get tattoos never was sparked by mere curiosity, or wanting to simply feel ‘cool,’ or be part of a 'cool' fad.
It definitely was a way for me to affirm who I am. To affirm the truth that I have grown up and I can decide for myself.
I went through some really dreadful things when I was a kid, and I still am living through traces of its terror. There are simply some things we cannot shake off of ourselves, some things we cannot escape from. The truth is, there are no means to mend what has happened, and I definitely won’t deny them.
The truth is harsh but that is the truth. And those of us who are left here to endure the fright of remembering our history every single day – have to do but one thing – acknowledge that it all happened, and move on.
When I decided to get my very first tattoo – I was confronted by two things. First, the fact that of course, it will be permanent. Secondly, if it will be permanent, what would I want to put on my skin?
I had the word ‘Imani’ tattooed on my right hip. It means ‘faith’ in African, ‘believer’ in Arabic and goes back to the word ‘Amen’ in Hebrew.
When I think about it now, I suppose it meant wanting a permanent faith. Faith in who I am. Faith in what has happened – faith that there is a reason for everything. Faith in what I can be, even after all that has occurred.
Realizing this – I know that getting inked was and is never about simply having to feel physical pain (so that we can forget our emotional torment even just for a moment). It ought to mean something more.
It ought to remind us of our endurance. Of our strength. Of our courage. Of our own ‘permanence’ in this world.
And knowing that we are permanent (or at least our history is)…what do we intend to leave all those we know and love with?
I leave my unaltered and steadfast faith in all that is good in you.
endings and beginnings
posted by
, Friday, August 8, 2008 at 5:48 PM, in
For the last twenty months, you have unveiled the most beautiful things anyone could possibly see. You have allowed me to look past our frailties, all because I know you are waiting for me on the other side.
Each and every time I count the days, the weeks, the months that we have been together – it takes me to a sacred place which I never could quite forget – the road I took, the road we both took – to be with each other. The road where we met the odds and confronted the limits. The road which lead to this moment. The road which led me to you.
And right this time, I couldn’t be more grateful for taking that leap of faith – for taking that chance – for gambling, risking, going against the perils – so that I can be with you. I do not regret anything, my love. I do not believe a day has ever been wasted or lost, for I have spent each of them loving you.
I believe I have arrived at the onset of the best thing that ever happened to me. I have arrived at the beginning of all things to hope for and put all my faith into. I have arrived at the end of a journey, the end of unraveling, the end of wandering – all because I have found you. All because I have found myself in what we have.
I, also, have come upon the end. And I am no longer drowning in fear – fear of loneliness or of unrequited love. Because you have given everything back to me – without me having to ask for it. Because you have erased all trace of solitude in me. Because you have entrusted all that you are to my imperfect and fragile being – believing that it can and will do more than enough to keep you safe and to love you forever.
You are the light that my eyes seek in the darkness. You are the air that my lungs breathe. You are the only love I know. And because of your love I can and will battle anything. Because of you I know I can withstand pain and isolation – I know you and I will be together.
Until the end. Until the end that we don’t see.
Until the end - finally - takes us right back to the very beginning.
happy xxth, mine
posted by
, at 10:44 AM, in
imani's aphorism

clark meets monette
posted by
, Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 5:45 PM, in
We took her to Rumpa’s – they have the best barbecue steak there. Nosh and Monette ended up sharing the steak. The serving’s just always so…bloating. I ordered chicken cordon bleu and after about 45 minutes, swore to not eat anymore chicken for the entire month. After lunch, I finally divulged my biggest accomplishment (so far) – that I have stopped smoking. Monette was thrilled and said that she might also just do the same thing – she’s thinking when.
We were supposed to go to Razon’s for a good old glass of halo-halo, but deemed ourselves just too ‘full,’ so we went to Duty Free (Puregold) to do the groceries. And just like what we’d always expect from ourselves everytime we go there – we suffered from ‘option paralysis’ – there are just so many choices, we don’t know what to put our hands on.
At 6:30 pm, we were home. The rain started to get really mean, so we opted to rest at home for a few hours. It was great to know that two of the most important women in my life – my wife and my best friend – have so much more in common (aside from me) – they share the love for cooking (well, according to Monette, she tries to), they both love watching animé (Monette discovered this after seeing a book that I gave Nosh about a year ago (The Art of Full Metal Alchemist). It’s just comforting to know that there is another person on Earth who shares the same interest with Nosh.
When the rain subsided, we went to Subdelicious – this cozy bar and restaurant about 15 minutes away from Nosh’ house. We had a round of San Mig Light and nachos and videoke (of course). We then headed to Starbucks for a cuppa joe…after all, Monette still has work the next day and would need to look…normal.
Sunday was beyond amazing. Hope all Sundays will be just like it.
naked bodies
posted by
, Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 5:00 PM, in
ars poetica
alone in twilight
innocent eyes
burning under
the tanned skin
touching faces,
kissing, holding
the softness of
each caress like
watching the snow
melt on your palm
now unsteady
reaching for the
fire creating want
naked bodies
whose breaths
rise and fall in
sweet, silent moments
lips gently searching
innuendoes and realities
souls desiring
electricity in flesh,
of limbs bending
and bed rocking
whispers reigning
over hushed laughters.
posted by
, at 4:53 PM, in
I have successfully kept myself off the grass, or the plant – the tobacco plant, that is.
After a week, I decided to quit using the patch, I most certainly understand that I eventually would really have to forego with the nicotine, so yeah…I did it…
I haven’t been on the patch for four days and I am armed with nothing but willpower…or maybe it’s the ‘won’t power’…I won’t smoke no matter how tempting it is, no matter how full I am, no matter how stressed out I am, no matter how much coffee I drink…
So yes, I suppose I can say I am actually on the ‘real test.’ Funny thing is that I don’t get to write much this past few days, it feels like all my creative juices went with the patch. Maybe if I put all the patches that I have used I can start writing again.
I think I have not smoked for a total of 12 days – which is just really ‘huge’ for me. I don’t suppose I have been ‘away’ from smoking that long. And just like any ‘lover’ I think of it sometimes, I miss it, and it feels weird for a stick to have that control over you. I would like to find myself, a few months from now, able to tell the world that I will not allow a stick to control me.
So I removed the patch off of my skin, to really see and prove if I could quit smoking without any help. I cannot say that ‘I am hoping it will work for me’ because I know I have to make it work for me – with a patch or without a patch. I just know that I have to stop…sometimes I feel like my body is more polluted than the air in Mexico City.
I used to think that it’s a lot easier to write when I smoke. I don’t know…I think it’s just me…and my idiosyncratic radicalism. Well now I know that I cannot simply just turn to smoking again if I want to write. There must be a patch for this kind of feeling.