in the name of the best of us
posted by
, Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 12:35 AM, in
i am only half nuts
posted by
, Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 11:23 AM, in
It has been two years since she last published a collection of her articles so finding something like 8 ½ can pretty much be compared to seeing a jewel in a septic tank.
So this morning, I resolved to read the book even before I cover it with plastic. I started with my ritual. I made a cup of coffee, took the cup to my bedroom, looked at the book. I have never felt this happy in a long while. Then I opened the book, placed my bookplate on the upper right hand corner of the first page just so that it’s clear – that it belongs to me. Eheheh.
I smelled the pages – I have this penchant for smelling paper – magazines, newspapers, books most specially. My favorite hangout growing up was the National Library in Kalaw, Manila. My best friend Monette could attest to that. We spent countless hours working on our science project or just musing on our naiveté when it came to love. I am drawn to the scent of antiquity, to the scent of learning, to the scent of dust (if there is such a thing eheh). My room is beginning to smell like a library, as a matter of fact. I have more books than clothes.

a stack of zafra books sitting on my study table.
When I started to read, I made sure that I have proper lighting. I want to comprehend everything I’d read and though I have 20-20 vision and I can read with the lights dim, I truly want to enjoy Zafra’s new book. The book is nothing short of surprising – the author’s impeccable humor is there, her wit and intelligence all over, the occasional bashing is there too – all of which have become her trademark.
I was on the edge of my mom’s bed, where the natural light falls delicately on the text that I am reading, it is also a spot that would prevent my neighbors from seeing me looking like I just got out of the bed (which is the case). After 50 or so pages, I had to stop reading, momentarily. I had to empty my bladder. My body was screaming ‘water!!!’ so I had to listen to it and rush to the loo.
Jessica ranted about how technology, machines, advancements has taken our species hostage, how it is almost impossible to do anything now without the aid of a computer, a cellphone, or the world wide web. I could not agree more. I am blogging using my phone, which I named Baroness Lucia. Yes, I am identifying my phone as a female and she’s rich. Well, not all those who are born to or have acquired royalty are rich…maybe that’s a good subject for my next blog.
The book is composed of 30 (or less) articles and I’ve enjoyed all one hundred something pages of it. I grew up reading Zafra – Jessica, if you’ll ever read this post, know that it is not my intention to make it sound like you are way older than the rest of us. If you’ll ask me, you’re a cougar and there is no need to spark an argument about why I think you are. I will be happy to be your serf and make coffee for you. I first read her book ‘Mananaggal…’ when I was in high school. The copy wasn’t mine, but from then on vowed to secure a copy of all the books she ever published. With the addition of Twisted 8 1/2, all her 16 books now occupy a part of my shelf. Nice.
twisted eight and a half
I encountered her twice – once, at a book fair in Instituto Cervantes where she signed all 3 copies of ‘Womenagerie’ I bought for myself, Nosh and Jerlen. The second encounter was more fleeting – Nosh and I were strolling in Greenbelt 1 and were actually in the midst of an argument when a wormhole cracked open and lodged Jessica in front of me. No, that wasn’t what really happened but the experience felt like that. She walked past me and I was in catatonic shock right after. Nosh and I forgot that we were fighting and spent the next 15 minutes celebrating the fact that we were breathing the same air with Jessica for a nanosecond.
Jessica is the kind of writer who makes me want to aspire for greater, bigger things – publish a book, write prose, live on writing or at least do something I am passionate about for the rest of my life and…pet cats. The last detail cannot be done without a biohazard suit, so until I get one, it probably won’t happen.
posted by
, at 11:22 AM, in
ars poetica
as you tread the path bruising your feet and
scarring your wings, the mystery unfolds while
the daunting dissonance disappears in your flight
into the air, shaken and shackled by your suffering,
warily finding your way through the brambles and brush
the unforeseen and unchanging muse that blossom
within you condemned to the agelessness of
time, this soul caught in the web of your fleeting, agile,
yellow shadow ~ naked, undisguised, unguarded
your hands execute a revolution of galaxies
famished for no reason, my words halted by the delicate
moonglow adoring what used to be mine,
far and low in the twilight, descending into your architecture.
posted by
, at 11:21 AM, in
ars poetica
water, this song uttered in lonesomeness, sighed
when all is silent and the echo of your heart beat
battles the unraveling, seductive fire
that belongs to your light, enclosing the sudden and
fragile glance that bends frail reveries,
solemn nights crashing with thoughts of you
chasing the lost, languishing, leaning
scent of this burning under stones and secrets
parting the withering, infallible trace of white
my parched, starved memory keeps
to breathe you in each time i surrender to the clasping grace
of a moonlit banquet ~ your lips, your face, your hands
my body rests in fragments wanting all of you.
the heart seeks
posted by
, Friday, December 18, 2009 at 11:38 AM, in
ars poetica
lamenting over the flesh
it can neither touch nor taste,
reaching for the luminous
color so soon forgotten,
trembling in the memory
of never questioning why
our galaxies collide
or why
my satellite oscillates
around your planet
gathering a new meaning
for a love that travels
faster than the speed of light.
defining exactly this
posted by
, Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 9:36 AM, in
ars poetica
unforgiving language
of your abstruse
ache heaping the
minute, miserable
defining exactly
beguiled by the
spectacle of windows
raging above
doors and seasons
that lead to drought
and the denial of
a hunger
too strong to contain
crashing against
the blue light of
your famished
for calliope
posted by
, at 9:28 AM, in
ars poetica
bitter, wounding, stimulating
all mean the same thing,
the acrid, sour, acidic
grin on your poker face
on your blazing, oscillating
an atmosphere of tastelessness
a feast of tragedy
a slave with no
place, a moon with
no dreams, a sonnet
with no understanding,
an elegy with
no future.
posted by
, at 9:20 AM, in
ars poetica
want for you to be
closer to me than
you were before
the clouds shift and
move to cover
your lonesome, captivating
struck by your revenge,
and arrested by your
ardent, burning eyes
i am left with the thought,
the strand, the piece
of reverie that describes
you taking me
this time.
for calliope
posted by
, at 9:15 AM, in
ars poetica
of this fall, this
descent, this one particular
moment -
to look, feel, aspire
and desire
your awkward, beautiful
simplicity, the manner
in which your hands
reach for the cigarette
and your lips breathe
the smoke out -
to be ravaged by your
words and linger in
this certain fall, descent,
plunge and exhale.
posted by
, at 9:08 AM, in
ars poetica
motionless desire
seeps and eats me
the distance sustain
my longing
and the air between
us leeps me
of the nights i
could finally
hold your face
and touch your
allowing for the
scintilla of chance
to take me and
enfold me
one more time,
tasting the sinless
bliss on your
posted by
, at 9:01 AM, in
ars poetica
where words
to define
the shape
of laughter
and the form
of happiness.
posted by
, at 8:58 AM, in
ars poetica
posted by
, at 8:56 AM, in
ars poetica
atoms and
fibers and
seconds and
reviving -
the waning,
alphabet of eroticism
posted by
, Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 12:29 PM, in
A - afterglow
B - barenaked, bump
C - cramps, carnal
D - debauchery
E - erotic, exotic
F - fingers, fluids
G - g-spot
H - haywire, hump
I - intimacy
J - jackhammer
K - kama sutra, kinky, kiss
L - lust, lesbians, lingerie
M - marquis de sade, missionary, meat
N - nymphomania
O - orgasm
P - pleasure
Q - quivers
R - ravaging
S - seduction
T - temptation, touch
U - unveil, undress, uncover
V - vagina monologues
W - whisper
X - xerex (?)
Y - yearning
Z - zeal
this post isn't for the faint of heart or for those under 18. skip this post if you are underaged. ahaha.
posted by
, at 12:10 PM, in
ars poetica
a thought or a feeling, your silhouette
devours the calm, impenetrable delight of
this soul, seeking clandestinely shards of
days you intend to give with your hands
shedding the night once forlorn with
envy and loss, you face the sky and the rain
is suddenly haunted by a cadenza
formed by your obscured breath and sigh
this poet left with an elegy that
forbids other languages, the senselessness
of sleep in your wake arouse and amuse
my senses filled with the awkward,
unexpected pandemonium that comes
after loving you.
for calliope
question and answer portion
posted by
, at 12:01 PM, in
here's my take on it:
NAME: teresa salvador
HOMETOWN: pasay city, philippines
TURN ONS: intelligence and humor
TURN OFFS: body odor and insecurity
FAVORITE TOY AS A CHILD: my imagination
FAVORITE TOY NOW: my cellphone
3 OF YOUR FAVORITE MOVIES: good will hunting, the silence of the lambs and malena
3 OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOKS: the alchemist by paulo coelho; cien sonetos de amor by pablo neruda; the catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger
IF YOU'RE NOT IN THIS BUSINESS, WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING: i'd be either a writer or a shrink
MOST INSPIRED STATEMENT, HEARD OR SAID: 'i shut my eyes in order to see' - paul gaugain
the joy of pain
posted by
, at 11:57 AM, in
after brunch, we hailed a cab and went straight to recto, manila. i don't even remember the last time i was in that place. not much has changed - there's still a lot of people, the pollution worsened (i think) and national bookstore in avenida is still alive! i like going to that place because you can really find a lot of good books there - which, for some reason, makes me think not a lot of people in that area likes to read.
anyway, the very reason we went there is because nosh and i have been itching to get a mandala etched on our back. it has been two years since nosh last had a tattoo and almost six months for me. and i tell you, nothing excites me more than the idea of paying someone to inflict pain on me (i don't care if that particular statement did not come out right. you are all free to take it any which way you want to ahaha).
we met ding fernandez, tattoo artist extraordinaire. he was highly recommended by monette (and has done three of her five tattoos) so i figured this is the best time to try the merchandise (the merchandise being kuya ding ahaha). the studio's squeaky clean. as someone who digs the art of tattooing, the very first thing i check is just how clean the place is. nothing to worry in that department, he's a member of philtag and has won numerous awards in various competitions including the most recent dutdutan festival.
before i sat down to get my tattoo, i had to kill the nerves and went down for a quick smoke - which translates to a cup of coke and three cigarettes. it is an odd and funny thing, to still feel the jitters each and everytime i get inked. i am not sure what that means.
when we went up, he has already prepared the machine and in five minutes time we started the session. the first sixty seconds is always tough. my phone wasn't cooperating with me so i really couldn't listen to my music using my earphones. kuya ding, monette and nosh had to endure listening to the carpenter's 'merry christmas darling' five or six times. after a few minutes, i couldn't feel anything on the right side of my body anymore and wasn't distracted by the humming of the tattoo machine. it meant one thing - i was free. free from nervousness, free from the daunting sound emanating from that machine, free from pain. i suddenly remembered a friend of mine asking me a few weeks back: 'why do you look forward to pain?' my only retort was: 'because it is real.'
my session lasted about an hour and ten or fifteen minutes while nosh' tattoo was done in a mere fourty-five. and that i think is totally unfair. ahaha. but the thing is, once you have started getting the tattoo, no matter how queasy or painful it gets, you don't want to be asking the artist to stop...because that would mean you'll just be prolonging your agony. so more than anything, if you are planning to get inked, the one thing you should have a lot of is courage, or strength of will. because once you are there, there is no going back.
for some twisted, weird reason i always feel 'different' - emerging from the whole ordeal. somehow i feel empowered and i feel like nothing can break me. nosh said i looked like i will break the jaw of the next person who'd mess with me - now that i have tattoos on both my shoulderblades.
aside from the sporadic lashing kuya ding got from me (i think i yelled 'that's my shoulderblade' more than twice at the onset of our session), i feel really happy about the outcome. when you get inked, you somehow surrender a huge part of you to the one who will brand you - there has to be trust, and that factor of the relationship cannot be breached.
kuya ding did a really nice job and though my wound hasn't fully healed, i am already thinking of this backpiece that i would like for him to do. on the other hand, before we left the shop, he quipped that it'd be nice if i'll get a sleeve.
hmmm...let's see about that.
*i will try to post the pictures we took of that day on my blog, if i don't succeed, you can always view them on my facebook.
posted by
, at 11:18 AM, in
ars poetica
my unsteady hands revel the laughter
emerging from your lips and nothing
helps - save the insanity of being lost
in a moment with you - the ache, the thorn,
the dream, the hope and the light
that pursed itself within the naked hours
consumed by you - an unaltered muse
of silence and dust, my heart heaving with
desire to be ravaged and annihilated
over and over again, the night folds onto
a crescendo of tears and unspoken words
my heartbeat entombed, my blood pulsates
as the moon hides the gaze of clouds waving
in the distance - the long, lonely stretch
that covers now and today, you and me.
for calliope
suns and stars
posted by
, Monday, December 7, 2009 at 6:11 AM, in
ars poetica
which i cannot fathom swallows me
this story taking its space in the
crowded chambers of remembering
the bittersweet hours i spent lying
in your arms
gazing at a shooting star in this
dense, dark, betraying night
mending the solace so i may find
you in it again
and offer you my heart,
precariously needing to be
the one that breathes for you in
this solitude
the one drenched by the stillness of
chasing your voice
long after you have uttered your
posted by
, Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 11:38 PM, in
ars poetica
the chaos brought by the
distance and the clouds
mystefied by the songs
you hum in the midst of
senselessness, yearning to be
the one you seek when
the night breaks and the
darkness wraps everything
in oblivion, aching to be
the electric blue that tremble
when you shut your eyes
to imagine serendipity.
dissecting femininity
posted by
, Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 11:46 AM, in
just how many kinds of women are there? this question urged us all to consider 'grouping' them. so the following categories were borne of that 'debate':
CERTIFIED - these are women who have proven their femininity by bearing children.
LEGIT - now we are talking about straight women.
NATURAL - this category pertain to people like myself...naturally a woman but is inclined to the same gender.
NATURALIZED - this refers to our brothers who sooner or later realized that they are men trapped in a woman's body. welcome to the pack!
thanks to faith - one of the coolest trainees i have ever met and now my friend - for this piece and for your wisdom and humor.
posted by
, at 11:31 AM, in
ars poetica
that emerge from your timid stares
the bright, intense emeralds that
follow my shadow
shaken by your touch,
still as a stone
drenched by the waters of your
lost and lonesome in the recollection
of how you uttered my name,
of winters and solitude
of searching and waiting.
posted by
, Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 4:19 PM, in
ars poetica
of loneliness
borne or gravity and
your gaze
magnify statues falling
silent as the dawn
hastens desolately
memory urges me to
forget seconds and spaces,
as wind and flame
devour images of you
drawn on arched,
hidden flowers that
exist in my dream.
posted by
, Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 4:19 PM, in
ars poetica
shadow of your absence
the pain echoes, voicelessness
reverberates in nothingness
i ache for the windows
to open, for the scent
of your light
to drown the room
famished, halted, parched
restless like air
the roots of my desire
seeks a beginning
for these words to
praise your fire.
posted by
, Monday, November 23, 2009 at 2:53 PM, in
ars poetica
treacherous and tarnished
with the unaltered
yearning for you ~
my Svengali captor
~ a temptress and a sleepwalker
urging, pushing, taking me
to the bounds of
reason and unreason,
fumbling, falling
deeper still,
a rush of blood in my veins
a high on the glistening
saccharine of your smile
awaiting the next darkness
to unfold.
posted by
, Friday, November 20, 2009 at 7:41 AM, in
ars poetica
the small, insignificant
dusts of my desire
in the bright fragments
of stars racing in my memory
my disbelief in truths
my doubt in things
coming to an end.
posted by
, at 7:30 AM, in
ars poetica
soul is burdened
with mysteries and
untruths, a chasm
of wild, ravaging
simplicity - of your
stares that give
birth to fire
feeding on the intimacy
of motionless twilights,
left with infinities
smaller than the ones
that spring from
your lips,
the nagging, relentless,
somber days
without you,
impossibilities making me
linger still.
consumed | poem twenty five
posted by
, Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 11:27 PM, in
ars poetica
the ‘while’ taking
too long,
the innate sound
of a weakened silence
my words tremble
through the curves
of your mouth
as the cigarette
touches the uncanny
twists of your
the smoke and
light ascends,
the fragile
earth of my body
battered by
the unconsumed
ghosts that lay
hidden in my
my eyes circle the
the distant flower
of hurts and
misunderstood pain
accepting its fate,
spiraling to its
consumed | poem twenty four
posted by
, at 11:26 PM, in
ars poetica
night sky
the seconds expel
the lingering scent
of the silk
that covered your
mirroring your
your uninterrupted,
bright and
furtive smile
pushes my soul
to collapse
like leaves descending
into the lips
of autumn,
the days change
in your skin,
earth and
consumed | poem twenty two
posted by
, at 11:25 PM, in
ars poetica
the raw and unforgiving
war breathes
into the mouth of
a phantom known
as my veins
the night looms
in perpetual
of things i
need to unravel,
of truths i
need to unlearn
my mistakes laugh
as it stretches
far and wide,
the rough edges
of my body
takes the naked
battle to
survive against
consumed | poem twenty one
posted by
, at 11:24 PM, in
ars poetica
defeated by an
unlikely victory
summoning miracles
from the sky
that has plunged into
a dense space
of fractures and
losing meaning
and running out
of words…
the illogical,
the unreasonable
daunting the
for me
to begin.
calliope in all things
posted by
, Monday, November 16, 2009 at 4:09 AM, in
ars poetica
circle my mind, the bends and curves
of my thought indulging in the
gentle sound of your name,
a sigh, a breath, a moment
a phantom, a ghost, a recollection
a banquet, a feast, an unnamed memory
embracing and fastening itself
to the sunrise that painfully dissolves
beneath clouds and hastening hours.
so much for movie posters
posted by
, Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 8:48 PM, in
i will see to it that they will be added within the day.
of films and memories
posted by
, at 8:19 PM, in
anyway, i took a picture of some of the movies i have seen, of some movies that remind me of other more recent films and...some movie titles that made me laugh: (please check the next posts)
*disclaimer* to get a better view of the pictures you must do at least one of these two suggestions: (1) tilt your monitor or (2) tilt your head until you break your neck and ultimately damage your spine. in case you opt to do the latter, i will not be liable for broken bones. sorry i will try to take better pictures next time, i'm uploading from my phone. huhu
twisted tales
posted by
, at 6:46 PM, in
so we started our coffee session with one question: is chivalry dead?
i was asking erick if i daunt men. well, i actually feel that there always seem to be an issue when i am seen with a girl at work but that never happened when they see me with a guy. i think it's because everyone knows that i am not really interested in men nyahaha.
so erick said even if he knows some guys who actually like me but i don't just daunt them, i strike fear in their hearts (so poetic, dofa, really nice).
speaking of men - we agreed that there isn't a guy on this earth who would want to rescue a damsel in distress. saving them was never part of the plan, however, getting into their pants is. tough but true. my doyen quipped that if his species will hear him talk like this he'd be excommunicated. i say he'd probably be stoned to death. thank god he did not exist in the era of the crusades.
who thought of chivalry? why would they call it chivalry when there's always a reason why they would rescue a damsel. and the three main reasons are: sex, money and power. and in that order.
take for example the fairy tales that we all grew up reading:
beauty and the beast - beast apparently took belle captive in the hopes that she would fall in love with him and ultimately break the curse. it is very obvious that beast wouldn't have wasted his precious time impressing the girl if he could do something all by himself to lift the curse. belle was really hot, but he just wanted to get in her pants.
snow white/cinderella/sleeping beauty - it wasn't fate that brought the princes and princesses together. it was testosterone. why would they want to battle evil stepmothers, witches or seven naughty dwarves (the bastardized version of snow white) if they know they can't score?
alladin - why else would alladin want to be with jasmine if not for her gold? i mean she probably smells like her pet tiger...and no sane guy would go for that.
i'll attempt to revisit other fairy tales - either through books or movies. but one thing is clear - the word chivalry was invented to prove how disillusioned women are - that there are 'nice' guys around. the word chivalry simply puts devious things in a positive light.
not just sandwiches
posted by
, Saturday, October 31, 2009 at 10:14 AM, in
culinary curiousities
subway actually refers to an underground path but this subway is a haven for those who seeks the freedom to satiate their craving. as we walked in, we cannot help but feel that it is like walking into your own pantry - with only the best, freshest ingredients to make one hell of a good sandwich.
nosh picked the tuna sandwich while i devoured a steak and cheese sandwich. aside from the many fillings you can choose from, you also have the option to put them all in either italian, wheat, honey oats and parmesan oregano bread.
the tuna sandwich makes for a very light and healthy meal (despite it being served on a six-inch bread). nosh opted to have all the veggies (except jalapenos) and a drizzle of vinegrette. i took a bite and knew right on that she made an excellent choice.
i, on the other hand, am a true 'carnivore' by heart...so i went for the steak. i asked the sandwich guy to put only onions, tomatoes, pickles and (a lot) of jalapenos on the loaf. it was a treat for my palate! that particular sandwich goes well with barbecue sauce (in case anyone of you wanted to try). by the time i was done eating, i was perspiring and felt like i just gave all my taste buds a death sentence.
despite this, i didn't feel queasy at all - i was happy with what i ate and i can't wait to get myself a sub again.
persian delight
posted by
, Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 9:52 AM, in
culinary curiousities
zaitoon is a persian restaurant that sits comfortably right in the middle of leveriza street. we have always wanted to try their food but only found the time to do it tonight.
the restaurant offers a number of surprises: one, the kebab is really, really great. i actually think 'great' is an understatement. we just finished eating a wonderful dish which consist of heaping plate of jasmine rice, grilled tomatoes, hummus and beef/lamb kebab. two, the serving is so hefty that two people can share it...or you can choose to eat it alone if you are really famished. three, the staff is really nice - they are quick to attend to their customers' need and they know what each dish has in store for your curious palate. four, it's a cozy place - and with cozy i mean you get to nosh on your dinner peacefully without anybody attempting to bother you. being here transports you a different place - they have persian programs on the television. at first, the interior might confuse you as it calls to mind an amalgamation of old english, asian, industrial, fast-food set-up, but the authenticity of the persian atmosphere start to foam as mid-eastern patrons come in. fifth, according to nosh, if you are looking for a quick fix to alleviate your persian craving without having to spend so much, then zaitoon is the place you go to, however, if you want to try champion persian food, we suggest that you visit hossein's - they have three branches in metro manila (trinoma, makati avenue and serendra). lastly, i get free wi-fi ehehe.
we are having such a great time tonight and we are sure to come back here to taste the other dishes. one of the best things about zaitoon is that it's only about five minutes away from where i live.
i feel soooo full as i type this. i resolved to write on my blog because i can't seem to update my facebook shoutout.
i feel stuffed i bet i can be served for a thanksgiving dinner with cranberry sauce (that is if you are looking for a substitute for turkey) ahaha.
my journey home
posted by
, Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 4:52 PM, in
consumed | poem eighteen
posted by
, Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 9:43 PM, in
ars poetica
that ceased in
the quiet,
reminiscing my
emptied hands
discolored by
the fallen yearning
to hold you
and enfold you
inside my
sapphire light.
consumed | poem seventeen
posted by
, at 9:43 PM, in
ars poetica
an improbable
without feeling
or realizing the
twisted blackness
that race to
the halted speech
of my soul,
the broken language
of my heart.
consumed | poem sixteen
posted by
, at 9:42 PM, in
ars poetica
hide you in vain
with my hands seizing
the implausible
smoke and water of
your soul
carrying the
dusts of an abiding
to arrive and to leave
a place
bare of recollection.
consumed | poem fifteen
posted by
, at 9:42 PM, in
ars poetica
that lead to you
as the autumn
ascends and burns
my desire, parches
my thirst
to find that
which is beyond
consumed | poem fourteen
posted by
, at 9:41 PM, in
ars poetica
of your mouth
like a temporary
like an imaginary
flight to the
undying laughter
of lilies
bring me to the
surface of your
honey-colored skin.
consumed | poem thirteen
posted by
, at 9:40 PM, in
ars poetica
then parched flesh
the moment
shackles me as it
circles through
the dead prism
of water,
the intimate
farewell of
lovers whose
sanctity and ignorance
are lost
in the night
that defeated
their senses.
comsumed | poem twelve
posted by
, Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 3:27 PM, in
ars poetica
the mad, wretched
spins and stops
to nothing but
that which
the pendulum of
found in my
afflicted blood.
consumed | poem eleven
posted by
, at 3:26 PM, in
ars poetica
clock ticking
immobile breathing,
stationary vision,
expected disaster,
arrested wreckage
of a cloud broken down
to fragments and
pieces of memory
floating in the
receding shores
of nothingness.
consumed | poem ten
posted by
, at 3:24 PM, in
ars poetica
the forsaken night
and the trembling
staccato of
ten thousand winters
that take me
to your altar,
abandoning all
of sorrow,
only to
levitate toward
a harder
posted by
, Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 3:08 PM, in
I wanted to write something about it, I even placed a reminder on my datebook, but during my recent off, I did nothing but ‘try’ to write poems (the result? One sonnet. Not bad I suppose) and watch Ally McBeal. I think I am making the huge mistake of going over the series too fast – I know I will miss it when it all ends. I mean they have stopped airing the episodes maybe 6 or 7 years ago…just that it (Ally McBeal) really has always been one of my favorite shows.
During my two-day hiatus, I spent a good part of it in my bed. I ate in my bed, watched the TV lying on my bed, and when I got tired of watching and eating, I slept. That’s something that has not really happened in a while. I felt like a snail. But of course it is an entirely different thing if you will ask me to talk about what it is like to be given a shot of Benadryl on both arms (two weeks apart – last September, I was taken to the hospital twice, all because a sneaky little bed bug bit me which resulted to hives that made me look like I gained 5 pounds).
The last time I had a severe allergy attack, I did not bother to take Benadryl in capsule form, because it really won’t do a lot of good. So I went straight to the hospital and kept chanting: ‘Please give me a shot. Please give me MY shot.’ Ultimately, the nurse in the emergency room did, and before she stuck the needle in my arm she said: ‘I am sorry.’ I am unsure as to what that was for, maybe she was saying sorry because the fluid is a little dense and that means it would hurt (a lot) when I get the shot. Anyway, I did not bother to say anything back, and I just smiled at her as she gave me my personal version of Prozac. It made me happy, and I dozed off in less than five minutes. And felt more like a sloth in the hours that followed.
Anyway, going back to my agent’s parents. Something struck me. The idea of being with another person for no less than thirty-five years is a feat in itself – it’s the reality – there are bumps in the roads ahead and these roads actually fork…so to find the same person standing right there beside you…someone who actually wants to renew the vow of love with you…that is something.
The idea sort of made my romantic muscle flex involuntarily. There is something so…help me…I am trying to look for the best word to describe what it makes me feel…there is something just so bittersweet about it. And I mean it in a good way.
As I was saying, marriage does not guarantee anything. And I admire all those who do it for no other reason but love. This is just my opinion, by the way, but I don’t think anyone should marry for any other reason. It should always mean something more than signing above your name on a sheet of paper…or having the wedding of your dreams…or having a motif that’s in the season.
Again, there are bumps on the road and the same freakin road has forks. And you have to remember that when you commit your lifetime to another person, you will not be making the decisions all by yourself or for yourself alone. You have to take that person with you each and everytime you move forward. I think at one point I have written about this – that I don’t believe compatibility should be a requirement before you enter into a lifelong commitment. At least not an absolute compatibility. Because as you grow older, your views change, you (supposedly) mature, your outlook in life changes. Seasons change, so do people.
I have forgotten the title of the book and the guy who wrote it (which is odd – I have always thought of myself as an elephant, because of my good memory), well maybe I can get an exception today – the names escape me as of this moment. Basically, he said that ‘Compatibility is not a precondition for love. It is an achievement of love.’ And I resonate him. I don’t think that could have been said any other way.
To stay together, to stay with one person despite the occasional storms, despite the occasional verbal battles, to want to stay with that person because you feel the need to be there when the dust has settled, because you just love her so much, because you know you would rather brave the arguments than walk away…now that is the best part of loving.
Marriage does not guarantee happiness. However, it does guarantee there would always be someone there to fight with (ahaha). Most importantly, if you both are eager to make things work, it guarantees no loss. For how can you lose when you gain another person’s unconditional care and love to the extent that the same person lives inside of you and you within her?
consumed | poem nine
posted by
, at 3:05 PM, in
ars poetica
of your voice,
like a shot of espresso
from a dream
i am taken and
imprisoned to
an impossible
yearning to hear
you, with your
mouth a few
ages away from
my ears.
consumed | poem eight
posted by
, at 3:05 PM, in
ars poetica
crystalline infinities,
life clasps and
cages my
wings but
never forgets
nor extinguishes
the chaos
i am
consumed | poem seven
posted by
, at 3:04 PM, in
ars poetica
banquet of
dreams and
idle fantasies
humming in
the humdrum
to careless
consumed | poem six
posted by
, at 3:04 PM, in
ars poetica
mistaken and
to the
of truth, and
its lies.
consumed | poem five
posted by
, at 3:04 PM, in
ars poetica
faded mistakes
the distortion
continues and
confusing and
my lost and
fallen kingdom
of inertia.
consumed | poem one
posted by
, at 3:03 PM, in
ars poetica
scattered and
taken by the
wind of your
to a land with
cloaked darkness
and emptied
all leading to
years of
posted by
, at 3:01 PM, in
ars poetica
outside as
your pale hands
ignite the
harvesting desire
allowing patience
to fill
the windows of
unending space
time dissolves
as you would
a rose in
…to much sun
parches the
heart made of
in the shadows
posted by
, Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 4:07 PM, in
ars poetica
parting flesh and
wounded breathing
to rise above and
fall beyond
the impervious dissonance
of your moon
and my sigh,
the unborn
lightness of a
heart heavy with
fire, consumed
by desire
heedlessly wanting
the waning
sound of your
nails scratching
my back
and leaving
my skin with
marks of your
and ragged
posted by
, at 4:04 PM, in
ars poetica
of the heavy rain
comes the absence
of pain
that in the midst
of disgrace and
misunderstood notions
of peace
i stand to hold
your hand and
with unswerving
faith to embrace
the mirrors of
your broken
what before
was unknown,
what before was
posted by
, Saturday, October 3, 2009 at 3:08 PM, in
ars poetica
circles around
the edges of delight,
it thrives within
the ember of desire,
the ragged embrace
of stratus,
the seething
fire of the winds,
the swirling
rhythm of your
the unattained
symphony of
your words.
posted by
, at 3:05 PM, in
ars poetica
of your forgotten
the cobwebs
unravel in the
unforeseen darkness
of your smile,
of the massive
emptiness of your
the shadows
arresting the
apathy between us,
arriving to a bitter
of truths and things
breaking and
the memory
of that which
never was.
posted by
, Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 4:25 PM, in
top ten crazy ideas in the midst of a tropical storm
posted by
, Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 1:08 AM, in
imani's 'best list'

- i have decided to spend the afternoon (and night) here at the office. if i attempt to go home, i probably won't be able to get here in time for my shift tonight. so while we're at it - let's have a slumber party!!!
- get inebriated while inside the building. it is cold and the only protection i have from the cold is my old jacket. wahahaha.
- invite my office buds to get inebriated with me, so if it comes to a point someone would find out about it, i won't be sanctioned alone. nyahaha.
- think of happy thoughts - a comfortable bed, hot cocoa, tuyo't champorado. now the happy thoughts make me want to slit my wrist instead because i just cannot have them.
- sing (on the top of my lungs): 'i'm only happy when it rains!'
- or try to sing something a little more depressing: 'que sera, sera...whatever will be, will be.'
- walk barefoot. since i do not have slippers. shite.
- do a double shift. ahem. uh?! boss!? ring ring! don't cancel my call.
- blog. well, i am already doing that now. yey!
- when i get out of this building, i will hoard military ration. and stack them in my pedestal. note to self: do not forget to include toiletries.
i feel like me and my office buds are in a reality show, that we are part of some sick social experiment. or that this is just one freakin test of endurance. who will take a nap first?
top ten lines from a song
posted by
, Friday, September 25, 2009 at 10:51 PM, in
imani's 'best list'
- “Fate up against your will” (The Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen)
- “Deep within I am shaken by the violence of existing for only you” (Do what you have to do by Sarah McLachlan)
- “I've even curved this body to fit your bow” (Cars and guitars by Tori Amos)
- “I bared my soul you waltzed right in” (Naked by Tracy Bonham)
- “You are my sweetest downfall” (Samson by Regina Spektor)
- “Just take me into your body, I wanna be drunk, I wanna be high” (Carmen by Paula Cole)
- “Waking from tormented sleep” (The weakness in me by Joan Armatrading)
- Until then, I'll scream until I'm hollow, I'll carve it in my skin, save it for tomorrow. (Heart attack by Nerina Pallot)
- “How do I get you alone?” (Alone by Heart)
- “The beating of my heart is a drum and it’s lost and it’s looking for a rhythm like you” (Making love out of nothing at all by Air Supply)
still | poem nineteen
posted by
, Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 12:42 AM, in
ars poetica
my hand
will soon
be feeling
someone else’s
you covering
my body
with embraces
will soon
attempt to keep
someone else
and that is
when i go back
to silence, to poetry,
to sacredness and
to myself.
still | poem twenty three
posted by
, at 12:41 AM, in
ars poetica
deftly blurs
the line
between myth
and reality
and here i am
standing and
whispering, hoping
and lingering
in a dream
meant not be
my peace shattered
my resolve scattered
in the noise of
wind, the hush of
silence, the murmur
of things to come…
the cacophony of
apathy and the
dissonance of pain
all because of you.
posted by
, Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 11:45 PM, in
i am talking about my love affair with the written language. i was very young when i discovered my passion for reading, and i haven't stopped since.
about a month ago, i got myself a new bookshelf...well for a number of reasons:
- my first bookshelf is a little old and cannot house all my books anymore and the weight of my books has taken its toll on the poor thing.
- my unconsciousness continues to nag me. i once dreamt of my books walking out of my room.
- my books need to breathe.
- the worst thing about a room without air conditioning is that the pages turn yellow easily. grrrr.
- i needed to get a new one for...well...more books. wahahah.
here are some of the photos that i took of my books and my new shelf:

whoever said i have to go to the gym? the act of cleaning my books and shelf is enough for me to form biceps and triceps. ahahaha
calliope’s dance
posted by
, at 3:03 PM, in
ars poetica
gathering the beads that define a moment, a you and me,
a serendipity, a scintilla of hope and a glimmer of faith
on a night lost in your mercurial light
my jaded fantasy and idle dream whispering
to the soul that manipulates gravity, the
seconds descending, hastening, spawning
a universe of words and tulips, brahms and
violins ~ hanging onto the elegant, elusive
carousel of seasons that neither begins nor ends
the unsaid love clinging onto the shining, immortal
silence of lips gently seeking and hands never touching
the voice of an undiscovered muse echoes through
this innocent flesh tangled in your inertia, the cacophony
forming a symphony, agitating, accelerating, illuminating.
top ten points to ponder
posted by
, at 2:59 PM, in
imani's 'best list'
- Women are like bagels – they taste better when they’re hot.
- You won’t know shite until it hits the fan
- Men digress, they de-evolve, they aren’t pigs (the animal), they’re pork (the meat)
- Your performance appraisal depends on your hemline.
- It is a choice to be constantly…constantly evil.
- Your peers tiptoe around you because they do not know you – because they are not privileged to.
- What others consider genius actually just is bravado.
- If you were single, I’d probably be straight.
- I am not fazed by your gayness.
- A man’s self-assurance is inversely proportional to his looks. Translation – if a guy is ugly, chances are he’d suppose he’s God’s greatest gift to women.
posted by
, Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 3:03 PM, in
ars poetica
the bruised, twisted prism
of your expectations
the vagueness throbbing
in the light of clarity
a brief, deep anguish
over shades that
define a moment
drowning in the
shapeless truth
of what we are not.
posted by
, at 3:02 PM, in
ars poetica
in the reflection
you make of mine
the mirrors of your
faith and fate
disenchanted by
our wordlessness
the moments caught
in the web of your
dreams as you
descend in a slumber
the fragrant amaranth
that sleeps in your
hair ~ a colorful,
vivid memory of
everything i know
that is good ~
a delusion
ceasing to be.
for calliope
posted by
, at 3:02 PM, in
ars poetica
but the heavy, dreary,
neglected steps your
body makes upon my
earth, demanding
for my skin to stretch
and wrap itself upon
your lies and love
weaving desperation
and darkness within
the chained, chastised
dreams you whispered
to the wind
one heartbreak after
another, uncertain,
dazed, unsettled
grasping and breathing
the next few words
so i may remember
the bittersweet sound
of your heavy, dreary,
neglected footfall
fading away…
further from me.
posted by
, at 3:00 PM, in
ars poetica
dreams, tracing the
steps you left behind
lured by the scent
of your disguised
and summoned
to senselessness
by your absent faith
the fallen resurrects
to hunt for light
and make the darkness
bleed as another
sunset forgets how
it all began.
ally mcbeal
posted by
, Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 7:50 PM, in

posted by
, Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 4:33 PM, in
imani's aphorism
posted by
, Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 4:41 AM, in
ars poetica
the solemn image of you
resurrected by the intense,
parched, arid
need to feel you beside me,
to touch the petals that enfold
your light and depth
stumbling, fumbling,
stirred by your stares
and by the secret language
of our dreams
haunted by the scent of
that fleeting, timid
kiss from your lips,
chained to the remembrance
of you reaching for me
in the quiet of the dawn
when my senses and delight
fall upon your delicate hands
shaping me,
enslaving me to
this sweet senselessness.
written 13 september 2009
7:42 pm - 7:53 pm
bag of beans, tagaytay
thanks to bess chai for the word :)
posted by
, Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 8:18 PM, in
imani's aphorism
meeting in the middle
posted by
, Friday, September 11, 2009 at 3:05 PM, in
something else
I spent a good part of my afternoon (yesterday) watching the TV. My eyes were tired but my brain was restless. So I reached for a DVD and watched ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ for the umpteenth time.
There is something about this movie that is just so engaging, enthralling, enchanting. It may be the story, the characters, the actors’ chemistry. Or maybe it is just me.
I suddenly remembered what it felt like – watching the film in the silver screen. Everything about it is just so magnanimous. It lasted two hours and forty-five minutes but the creators definitely were visionaries.
Some parts of the film made my eyes tear up (or perhaps I was just plain exhausted), including:
- The way Benjamin and Daisy embraced each other when the latter went back to New Orleans after recuperating from an accident.
- When they watched the sunrise together and Daisy tenderly said: ‘I promise not to lose myself to self-pity again.’
- Here’s another good scene: After Daisy’s return, they were sitting across each other. Daisy said: ‘You have not said two words.’ Whereas Benjamin, with his gaze anchored at her, quipped: ‘I don’t want to ruin anything.’
- When Benjamin took Daisy to her room and she closed the door behind them and all that you can hear was the lock clicking.
- The way Benjamin amorously said: ‘Absolutely.’ (Come on people, that scene is hard to forget)
- This line says it all: ‘Some things last.’
- The bittersweet moment when Benjamin was leaving his family and he left the money and the key on Daisy’s bedside table. Daisy was looking at him, trying to comprehend what he is doing and Benjamin looked at her, stunned and unable to say anything.
Here’s something that I wanted to share with you. This was the letter that Benjamin wrote for their daughter Caroline on her 13th birthday (if I am not mistaken):
‘For what it’s worth, it’s never too late or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There is no time limit. Stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best, darling.’
‘I hope you’d see things that stopped you. I hope that you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with different point of view. I hope you live a life you are proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.’
Written September 4, 2009
goody and kyla
posted by
, Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 1:15 PM, in
I do not love you - except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
from waiting to not waiting for you
my heart moves from the cold into
the fire. I love you only because it's you
I love; I hate you no end, and hating you
bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
is that I do not see you but love you
blindly. Maybe the January light will consume
my heart with its cruel
ray, stealing my key to true
calm. In this part of the story I am the one who dies,
the only one, and I will die of love
because I love you, because I love you, Love, in fire and in blood.

words of wisdom?!
posted by
, Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 6:19 PM, in
something else
Keeps skunks and bankers and lawyers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered...not yelled.
Meanness don't jes' happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway.
Don't judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.
Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't botherin' you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with watches you from the mirror every mornin'.
Always drink water upstream from the herd.
Good judgement comes from experience and a lotta that comes from bad judgement.
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.
If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody elses dog around.
posted by
, Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 6:12 PM, in
ars poetica
ember of your majestic
eyes, seething, struggling,
biding time as i bask
in an afterglow
of heat and mist
waiting, anticipating,
craving for the next
word to fall from
your lips and
alter the arduous
path brimming with
water and stones
your thoughts silence
my furtive heart
the seconds linger
the distance is
maimed by that
which springs
from your
idle fantasies.
for calliope
posted by
, at 6:10 PM, in
ars poetica
with luminosity and
my hand clamoring
for more of you
threads of sunlight
pouring from your
eyes, you blind
even the most passionate
leading her to the
gracious, impermeable
delight of your
smile and your color,
choosing to exist only
in your imagination
~ an inexhaustible
fire, an undeniable
yearning for one
peaceful night
of you sheathed
in an endless
for calliope
posted by
, at 5:55 PM, in
ars poetica
lithe, smooth, merciless
smile as the night hints
into the forgotten clouds
landing on the earth of
your supple skin, my
irrepressible and irrational
languish over minutes
of crushing desire to be
closer to you than I was
the last time,
the fluid memory of
staring at your lips as
you spoke softly of dreams
and sunsets,
begging to arrive,
begin, adore the
helpless moments
i waited for no one
but you.
for calliope
bits and pieces part two
posted by
, Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 7:18 PM, in
I have read somewhere that: life can take away happiness, but it cannot take away having had it. Cherish the good and the hurtful moments – they were given to you because they’d make you grow - so do not be the only one holding back your growth now.
Focus on the now – or better yet – refocus your vision to yourself – and what you can do to make things better. I am not one who easily lets go of things but we have to wisely choose and consider the things that we hold on to and the things we let go of. Concentrate on what is essential and is necessary. For the longest time you have built your universe around him and left your own garden to allow the weeds to grow. Now is the best moment to go back and pick your pieces up and unroot that which keeps on hurting you.
Sometimes we are looking for the light in the wrong places. Sometimes we curse the darkness because we haven’t fully realized that we are capable of lighting our own candle.
Steady hands take the wheel – take the challenge of being on your own (yes, given that you are suddenly without that someone) while you know you can – do not let it slide. If it has gone and you are alive, you didn’t need it. It’s all part of your emotional evolution.
No one ever said that love guarantees bliss – take the pain because no one can and will take it for you – which is why you have to square your shoulders to the world and just exude that 'can-do' attitude – because you know you are able to and because you know you deserve better.
bits and pieces part one
posted by
, at 7:14 PM, in
posted by
, at 1:15 AM, in
ars poetica
air when you let the
smoke escape from
your lips
the shape taken by
water as you let the
rain trickle down
your nape
the happiness embodied
by wildflowers blossoming
in the night
the loneliness of dusk
broken by the laughter
of dawn,
a ceaseless wondering
of what we could
for calliope
posted by
, at 1:09 AM, in
ars poetica
to conceal and my
desire escalates,
dances and leaves
the house of smoke
and clouds
to reach and
seek the edges of
your wonder,
your gaze of light
and your lips
a spring of
tenderness and
my soul rushes
like the blood in
your veins,
wanting this
for calliope
a mother's prayer
posted by
, Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 4:18 PM, in
but what is normal, really? it is so overrated. and it is just odd that the very person who gave birth to me thinks that i am anything but not normal - so what exactly does that say about her or my father? my mom even mentioned that had my father been alive, i would not hear the end of it - all because my dad is a disciplinarian.
if my dad had been alive, i know it would all be a breeze. who i am does not have anything to do with discipline. i am born this way. if my dad had been alive i know i would be loved - i am his favorite, and with his wisdom he will realize that nothing will change the fact that i am his daughter.
it is this unimaginable and excruciating hollow - to support a family that does not support, or at least respect who i am. it is not so much about 'choosing,' as you cannot choose your identity - it is inate, it is inborn, and your identity is inescapable.
sometimes i wish i can tell my mom her child had been my other cousins - who are straight - but are dreamless, useless bums and drug addicts. maybe it'll be a whole lot easier for her.
i do not need your prayers, mom. pray for those who do not have food to nourish their starving bodies - those who do not have a roof above their heads - those who lost a limb or something that would render them incapable of working.
johann wolfgang von goethe once said: 'if God wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.' i will not let your hysterical cynicism get into me. i have not spoken like this to you or about you in my life until now. because i will not tolerate your discrimination - toward your own flesh and blood. i have done most of the things in my life - in the desire to please you and make you proud.
i am here because God wanted me here. i am here because God wants for me to fulfill something grand. i am here because you brought me here. i seek not your love or your understanding. i seek not your light or your motherly affection. what you just said totally extinguished the need for me to feel that. however, i know i deserve respect.
if you pray hard enough everyday i hope you will realize that i am God's creation as much as everyone else is. He loves without exceptions. i am blessed to know that God embraces all that i am.
posted by
, Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 3:12 PM, in
rock and hawk
posted by
, at 2:53 PM, in
something else
Many high tragic thoughts
Watch their own eyes.
This gray rock, standing tall
On the headland, where the sea-wind
Lets no tree grow,
Earthquake-proved, and signatured
By ages of storms: on its peak
A falcon has perched.
I think, here is your emblem
To hang in the future sky;
Not the cross, not the hive,
But this; bright power, dark peace;
Fierce consciousness joined with final
Life with calm death; the falcon’s
Realist eyes and act
Married to the massive
Mysticism of stone,
Which failure cannot cast down
Nor success make proud.
by robinson jeffers
still | poem twenty one
posted by
, Friday, August 14, 2009 at 8:32 PM, in
ars poetica
the sound of pure,
impeccable, unaltered
motion, of the waves
that come and leave
your wide ocean
the patient and steady
stones of your innocence
leading me to believe
our time exists now
resting, sleeping inside
the dream you enfold
in your bosom
dancing, speaking
to my hopes and longing
for the unaltered,
impeccable, pure
sound of
still | poem three
posted by
, at 8:29 PM, in
ars poetica