- i have an AB+ blood type - i share the same blood type with only one person in my family - my father, and he has been gone over eleven years.
- i have a penchant for all things black.
- i lose myself to and reveal myself through writing. I find myself in books.
- i am allergic to crustaceans and i get hives when the weather is too hot or too cold. lately, the only thing that rid me of my hives would be a shot of benadryl. somehow the capsules don't work anymore.
- i had rollerblades when i was 11 years old. i lost my virginity because of my bike when i was nine - the breaks did not work and the bike sped downhill. the next thing i know i was on the ground and you probably know what happened.
- my favorite book as a child was charles dickens' 'the christmas carol.'
- we do not have a family picture. my sisters and i would have a photograph with either my mom or my dad but never all of us together. it was sad at first then i resolved to thinking that perhaps one of them was always taking the picture.
- i come from a family wherein most of us have hispanic names (my last name, salvador is actually portuguese, while my middle name, cruz is spanish - so i suppose that makes me one-fourth of each) - my dad is ernesto romeo, my mom is federica, my sisters - jasmin and monica; i have cousins whose names are maria theresa, ana cecilia, rodolfo jr., federico II, angelo ricardo, paulo ricardo (then we have a number of maria's in the family) - maria angelica, maria mirasol, maria cristina, maria lea - then there is aurora, ireneo, mario, milagros; my neice and nephews' names are ana isabelle, miguel and angelo, also known as botchok.
- my bladder problem started when i was in high school - when i would eat a big bag of jack and jill's tortillos and drink coca-cola when i review my notes from class each night. i made my mom cry when she found out that i was sick.
- i was born 29th of june, at around 8 o'clock in the morning, it was a wednesday in 1983. my mom had an extreme liking for cucumber and queso de bola when she was pregnant with me (which, i think, explains my pale, yellowish skin). i share the same birthday with maria of aragon (born 1482), antoine de saint-exupéry (born 1900) and nicole scherzinger (born 1978). so maybe one time or another i was a queen of portugal, a french writer and a pussycat doll. american actress katherine hepburn died on the same day, in 2003.

fyi, item #5 on your list, i think, would be "classified" under tmi (i.e. too much info.)...LOL!!! :-)
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