alfie patten, a13-year old boy from the united kingdom became the latest in a long line of young UK teenagers to become a dad.

his daughter with chantelle steadman, maisie roxanne, was born last monday.
the boy stands four feet tall - so he kinda looks more like an 8-year old. and may i just quote my friend reich when i shared the news with her - 'may gatas pa siya sa labi!' according to the material that i read, the baby was conceived after one time of an unprotected sex. poor alfie - i do not suppose he's got an idea how expensive diapers are. more than anything, i do not suppose he's got an idea of how huge the responsibilities are.
think about this - he's only 13 years older than his daughter.
i pray for the young parents. and i pray for the baby - i hope she gets all the love and care and attention that she deserves.
but there's a question running through my head - what the hell is happening to the world?
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