Parts and bits and pieces and shards and crumbs and fragments and specks and traces of what we are, what we used to be, of what we could be, what we hope to be. I have stopped. I have ceased doubting the reasons I am here, doubting the reasons you are with me. I have pushed myself to the edge and end of what all of this could be, because there really isn’t any other way to go. I woke up tonight and the first thought that sprung from my mind was you. How long do you intend to this to me? You are a mystery I wish to unravel, a detail I cannot seem to forego, and thus have become a memory I can and cannot exist without. But more than my peace being broken, I am inexplicably happy. I have uttered these words before and I want to tell you about them now – that I shall be with you, I will remain with you as long as you feel the need of having me in your life. Let me take this, take you, let us allow this moment to take us as far and as long as it could in this road. And even when the streets and pavements break and fork to keep you and I apart, I promise not to regret anything. You are all that this present moment holds for me, and you have been an unexpected gift. And I couldn’t be any more blessed. I cannot allow for what will happen to crush and extinguish the seconds I held you and felt that you belonged to me. So in return I offer this night, this dream, this breath, this yearning to you ~ and I hope you find it in your heart to believe I wouldn’t feel now if not for you.
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