today is about quietly holding my heart up against the notion and reality of a lifetime and realize that there is nothing that it will not endure, if it means loving you.
i take this moment to be grateful for every day that you love me - my light and my dark, my triumphs and failures. thank you for your relentless capacity to love me, to love even the things about me that render arguments and inconsistencies. i know that deep within, you will never just let me falter - i know that you would want to be there and offer your hand to me in case i stumble.
thank you for having journeyed through the last fifteen months with me. thank you for sticking with me even when i drive you crazy and i always sleep on you. thank you for delighting in the dreams we make for the family we would like to have - things like these keep me going and they do their part to keep me sane. thank you for never ceasing to wake up with me every day, in any means possible. thank you for never stopping to tell me how much you love me, and how much more of this you would want to go through so we can remain together.
and as i lit candles for us today, i praised Him for His plans, for His vision, for His love for us and the little family we wish to make. i praise Him for giving us the faith and strength to see each other through this path we tread on, and to make us both realize that we will never be bound to any road on our own. that even with this distance we can hold each other's hands and embrace one another should there be sandstorms or starless nights.
i never failed to believe that a love as unwavering and full as that of ours will can withstand and bear these things - they are minute compared to what we can discern and what we can continue to understand in one another.
and though some days are still a drag and there are instances i still could not prevent myself from crying because i miss your face so much, because i miss knowing you are close enough for an embrace - i just always remind myself that there couldn't possibly anything better than loving you, and knowing you are there giving back everything so we both would never feel empty.
we will sustain this and my heart lives under the light of your gaze, and it will give you what it can so you may never fear again, so you may never have to feel you will be on your own, in anything you wish to unravel. my heart will keep yours aflame and it will be sustained by the same passion, need, desire and fire and i trust that we can go through every single day without ever feeling that we will run out of dreams and wishes and hopes to offer.
every time i wake up to days like this - days that remind me how long we have been together, i smile furtively and feel so blessed that i have been allowed to love you all this time. and after realizing how certain i am in keeping you and loving you, i can only look at and wish for more days and years to be spent with you, more days and years to be offered up to you, more days and years to love you without regret or end.
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