i found a couple of great things today.
actually i found out about the first of my two discoveries last night, while i was updating my blog and was surfing the net. i was looking for photos and chanced upon an artist called rosiehardy. she has a profile on flickr.com. she's just awesome. she's a photographer and a lot of her works are found on the website i just mentioned. her photos are really interesting and there's just the right amount of darkness (and light) in it (i am talking figuratively - not technically) to get anyone curious. you guys should check her stuff out. i will be posting her take on the seven deadly sins on this post.
secondly...i found a collection of pablo neruda's poetry called 'intimacies' (or in spanish - 'intimismos'). i just finished getting coffee at starbucks (all by myself) and decided to drop by national bookstore to look for 'the claiming of sleeping beauty' (and they do not have a copy - huhuhu) and i am so excited to get one for myself. isn't spanish just the most romantic language (aside from Filipino, of course). the book is as big as his other poetry book 'on the blue shores of silence.' today is a day of discoveries. i unveiled one which is a feast for the eyes, and another, a feast for the mind.
as promised...here are rosiehardy's photographs outlining the seven deadly sins (also known as capital vices or cardinal sins):
envy (latin, invidia)

greed (latin, avaritia)
gluttony (latin, gula)
lust (latin, luxuria)

pride (latin, superbia)

sloth (latin, acedia)

wrath (latin, ira)
i like pablo neruda... the most memorable line to me - "love is short, forgetting is long."
indeed, spanish is a romantic language!
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