i suppose it is the hopeless incurable romantic in me that is screaming right now. i always have believed in signs ~ that they are there not just simply tell us something, but that they find us when we need to believe in the existence of a greater being or when we feel lost.
the last few days i have been humming lady gaga's 'bad romance' to myself ceaselessly. and yesterday i watched the television for more than an hour hoping that i would see it on channel v or on mtv. weird, but true. unusual, but it really happened. i don't know what that means, but i sure am dying to find out what significance it holds in my life right now.
it was a bright yet desolate afternoon. after working an extra day to complete the stuff i had to do for my service, i was on my way home. i was staring out the window and was thinking of you. then i thought to myself ~ i wanted to let you know you still crowd my thoughts, i wanted to hear your voice, i wanted for you to know that there is still this inevitable twinge in my heart every time the sound of your name resonates in the void.
and as i was pulling my phone out of my bag, i gazed at what was in front of me (which, of course, another empty chair on the bus) and i was startled, i was dumbfounded, i was befuddled.
instead of sending you a text message, i immediately took a shot of the sign that was given to me ~ to remember the day i felt so lost and remember the feeling of suddenly being found ~ even without you there beside me, i knew i wasn't alone. i knew that there were things to hope for and have faith in. i knew that you and i will find each other regardless of the number of times this road forks and breaks.
for i have always been yours and our memories will never be forsaken.

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