it has been ages since my last post. i usually am 'productive' when it comes to writing (didn't want to say 'prolific' because i am the antithesis of that word this month) but work is getting in the way wahahah. boss...if you'll ever read this, PEACE!
i want to write about so many things but cannot seem to find the time. either that or i am just too lazy to make time for this. probably both. probably none of the above.
so what has kept me busy the past few days? work. then parties i went to the last couple of weekends. the latter was my only connection to the outside world, so i made sure i am part of it ehehehe.
last saturday i went to two of my friends' birthday bash and had a lot of fun. with our group, fun is always equated to booze, videoke-ing, smoking, eating and well...laughing our heads off. going there last saturday also meant killing some if not most of my neurons - and mind you, this was done after our shifts. so i guess you can say that our neurons are 'double dead.' here are some of the pictures taken during the party:

after my busy weekend, i was on a hiatus for a couple more days and went back to work last tuesday night. and tuesday night was a total blur. i could barely remember anything but...thanks to my cap plan i now am able to recall bits and pieces of what transpired that day. i was floating the entire day and i felt like my body was lagging with...stress. among other things. i only slept a couple of hours the day before i came to work so just imagine the havoc.
odd thing is (at this point i don't suppose there isn't anything about me that is not odd) - i always make it a point to complete my deliverables on time, so i can go home early or in case someone begs for a coffee session, i can jam with that person. but for the most part when i get home i just look at my room, i watch the tv or read a book hoping to exhaust my eyes and put myself to sleep - until i realize it's 7:00 pm.
i checked baroness lucia just now and she just showed me that all the songs i have would play about 14 hours and 11 minutes, whilst all the sleep i get during my 5-day work week amounts to about 15 hours. this is hopeless. i feel hopeless. i am hopeless.
well...not really. the reason i haven't been able to blog a lot lately is because i am working on something for someone. and i am almost done. plus, i just started reading ayn rand's 'anthem' (while i am reading ellen degeneres' 'my point...and i do have one') so maybe i am not THAT hopeless after all.
let me close this post with a quote from e.e. cummings - something i saw on lisa ray's blog before i started my shift:

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