so for the better part of the last two quarters of 2011, i got myself busy with securing identifications acknowledged by the government.
for most of my working life, i managed to just keep one, and it felt it sufficed - my office i.d. it, apparently, was all i thought i needed, especially when i need to make use of my medical benefits. but as i was considering the possibility of switching careers, therefore, losing the one i.d. i have kept.
out of what seemed to be a panic, i secured myself a tax identification i.d., i went to the social security system's office in macapagal and got my mug shot taken - it would take at least 6 months for them to process everything and my i.d. will be sent through mail.
i also had my passport renewed. it's a good thing my sister works in a travel agency (at sheraton hotel), she actually sent a request on my behalf to schedule an appearance in the department of foreign affairs. she cautioned that it might take at least a couple of months before i could get a schedule, but fortunately, she was able to get me a slot within two weeks time. in all fairness to the dfa team, i received my passport after 20 working days.
with the encouragement of my wife, she asked me to get myself a driver's license. under one condition - that i will only have a '2' restriction in it. bummer. haha! at one point, i suppose i have told her that i tried applying for one before because i wanted to buy a motorbike. she and my mom were totally against it and one of her instructions were to send her a picture of the license so she can really check the restriction i have indicated there.
i have been learning how to drive the last couple of months. been incessantly switching from manual to automatic, depending on the car my cousin(s) brought with them. it has been fun and nerve-wracking at the same time. what i am more curious with is how to troubleshoot a car - my cousin quipped - " we can do that. get permission to take this car apart so we can put it back together." crazy.
since then i have been pondering and hoping about the kind of car i would one day drive...and my top two remains to be a mini cooper (for the girl in me) and a ford escape (for the soccer mom in me):

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