i was on my laptop for a late-night catching up on what has been happening - which technically meant i was in some serious business updating my playlist. then i came across an article on the telegraph saying that within the next few weeks, the new facebook interface - timeline - will no longer be optional for some of its 800 million users. rather, it will be compulsory, which really is a polite way of saying you won't have any choice.
according to mark zuckerberg, facebook founder and ceo, he and his team have been working on a 'timeline' for all those who 'curate stories of their lives on facebook everyday,' and they aim to give users a different platform in which they can express themselves.
though the facebook team's idea sounds promising, as in zuckerberg's words: 'it has three pieces: all your stories, your apps and a new way to express who you are,' i myself have not changed my profile simply because i have always liked the original (within a few weeks, it may well be described as dead, gone or primitive) page - it is easy to read (judging that months after its launch, advertisements found its way all over whatever page you are on).
speaking of less complications - i am just thinking aloud - if it is imperative that the new timeline page be utilized in a matter of days, what would that make of the apple or blackberry users' profiles when they attempt to access it through their android or smartphones? this will be a major concern for some whose whole lives depended on it. myself excluded. hope you got that one bit figured out, mark.
the article also pointed out that web users 'generally do not welcome the redesign of sites and digital services they use everyday.' as a matter of fact, i answered the poll on the same page (and selected the obvious) and this should finish the rest of the story:

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