my wife gave me phaidros, my new toy. my mom cooked my favorite dishes for me, my family was here to sing me happy birthday (while my sister was on skype), my friends threw a dinner and dancing party for me, i got my own birthday cake and...
this bunch came up with one of the biggest surprises -

they took the time and conjured a gift that truly is special. i have probably mentioned to one of them before that i have a penchant for collecting watches. and they probably have noticed that i usually go for the simple yet extraordinary designs.
i am still in awe of how they planned and how they all came up with such a birthday present. i have told them several times over that they have succeeded in spoiling me. but the sweetest thing really was the note that each of them gave me - saying that i deserve nothing but the best because with the team that we have built, they have experienced what it truly means to work together. one of them said that it's but a small gesture of appreciation for all the great things that our team has accomplished since i handled them.
but the team is not about me. i have had this job for a little over 8 years and have been handling people for at least around 7 years. and the key to making things happen is not to make it all about yourself. it is about developing others so they may be able to work independently. it is about showing them all the facets of self and team management and tying them all up with the idea that they belong in the team and they matter in the team. it is about knowing where to give credit when credit is due. it is about giving them all back the appreciation and pats on the back when it is given to you. it is about giving them an identity - while it is true that usually, the team behaves the way their captain behaves. but in the grander scheme of things, people will begin to have a greater sense of purpose not when you demand something from them, but when you show them how goals can be achieved so that they can demand something of themselves.
the best gift there is is to know that i have made a difference in their work life. that i have done something else to make them see what we do in a different perspective. and i am all the more humbled that again, i am in the company of people who place their belief and trust in me. special thanks to the following: migs, raf, reyn, chris, giselle, shena, arianne, jane, jeff, janey, perrie, joanna, mamu, rhona, claire, kathy, shin and joyce. you guys are rascals and i could not imagine our team functioning without your commitment and contributions, and of course, without the heart you put in the work we do as the expert group.
thanks, team t. you guys are awesome. more triumphs to come. :)
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