i know that it's the onset of december and i should be done griping.
but i cannot.
last sunday on my way home to clark, i left my book on the bus. i had a couple of books with me that time. twisted 8 by jessica zafra, which by the way am so relieved to find inside my bag, and the claiming of sleeping beauty by anne rice, which i hoped i could re-read over the weekend. i am actually off on sunday and monday nights. monday does not really count as a day at the end of the week, but it is for me - in my own universe.

so yeah. i lost a book. i LOST a book. this is the first time something like this happened. and i am still in mourning. nosh did not know how to console or pacify me. neither did i. it's just all too tragic for me. i have never lost a book in my life. i've lent books to friends and some never found its way back to me but i am okay with that. at least i know that the ones who have my stuff are taking care of them.
i am a little depressed. for Christ's sake! that book is as old as me. i got it when i was in college but it was first published in 1983. i know i can always get myself another copy...but there is something about losing a book and not knowing whose hands it will fall on. i am not sure if that person will ever find it in his heart to appreciate the literature. and more than anything - it's an erotica - emphatically not for the faint hearted.
and what is more distressing is that the second and third book of anne rice' beauty series is sitting at home...and they have not the vaguest idea that their sister's not going to be there.
nosh told me that perhaps it is time that my book find its journey. i know we have to learn to let go of some things - it is one way for me to unclutter two of my already brimming bookshelves. but i wish i knew that the next person to read it would take the time to consider what is written - and to keep an open mind about it.
anyone who would attempt to read the entire book would die of exhaustion and dehydration - from sweating too much. you know what i am talking about.
i am a little depressed. for Christ's sake! that book is as old as me. i got it when i was in college but it was first published in 1983. i know i can always get myself another copy...but there is something about losing a book and not knowing whose hands it will fall on. i am not sure if that person will ever find it in his heart to appreciate the literature. and more than anything - it's an erotica - emphatically not for the faint hearted.
and what is more distressing is that the second and third book of anne rice' beauty series is sitting at home...and they have not the vaguest idea that their sister's not going to be there.
nosh told me that perhaps it is time that my book find its journey. i know we have to learn to let go of some things - it is one way for me to unclutter two of my already brimming bookshelves. but i wish i knew that the next person to read it would take the time to consider what is written - and to keep an open mind about it.
anyone who would attempt to read the entire book would die of exhaustion and dehydration - from sweating too much. you know what i am talking about.
ohlala erotica! I have a book too of erotic stories, "Forbidden Fruit: Women write the erotic" ohhhhh...the title! hehe! just buy another one!
i know the feeling pot. remember when i told you about my copy of the count of monte cristo i lost way back? and the thing is, it's never the same even if you buy another copy. hay...:-(
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