i will be alone at home tonight, as nosh needs to go to work. i'm inside an internet shop hoping to write something. i am struggling and could not find the light so that i can extract whatever's left of my brain tonight and share it with you guys.
don't get me wrong - i love children. i am taking care of a 6-year old nephew who generally is a pain in the butt but i would rather sit beside botchok than be within a 50-mile radius of this kid.
i am seething, i am totally pissed right now. there is this boy - i am guessing around 6-7 years old - he's renting the PC a seat away from me. i suppose he's playing some network game with 10 other kids inside the shop. but this one is different. he kinda reminds me of that boy wearing a red devil suit in the movie 'serendipity.'

this little boy seems to be having a fit every minute or so. he yells (actually he just yelled and my ears are already bleeding) a l0t - some of the words in baby talk, i suppose. there is no doubt he will have sore throat tonight because of all the yelling - which, i hope would mean he won't be showing up in the shop the next few days. i cannot understand what he's saying. he literally laughs like a hyena (a baby hyena, perhaps) but sounds more like a parent's worst nightmare.
i can't believe i am exhausting myself by writing about him. i think the universe has just found another way to humor me, if not annoy me.
i seriously want to send this kid home. tell his mom and his dad to never let him out of their house. ask if he can be grounded until he's 25. his voice is abrasive. as i have mentioned, my ears are tortured to no end now.
i swear that if i hear one more yell from this kid i will slap him senseless. or maybe not. i have better things to do.
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