What could be worst than being stuck with an obnoxious, insensitive man wearing tight-fitting jeans, vaguely resembling an iguana with a blond mohawk on a trip that lasts a minimum of an hour and a half?

What could be worst?
I say nothing. NOTHING. NADA. ZILCH. NIL.
I went to Clark yesterday and on my way home I rode an air conditioned Five Star bus. I remember being able to read ‘and’ comprehend that which I am reading until the person I was referring to above appeared.
He looked like somebody who just got resurrected – from the 80’s that is. When I saw him I seriously wanted to yell: ‘Ang sakit sa bangs!’ but I, of course, had to control my temper, as I am not prepared to witness a commotion inside the bus just yet.
I did mention he wore a pair of tight-fitting jeans, right? Yeah. The fabric was so tight, his derriere can not be found anywhere ehehehe. Terrible fashion faux-pas. I am not saying that I am the authority when it comes to clothing but please, I think it does not take more than common sense to always see to it that you do not wear outfits that make the/your ‘bulges’ (or the lack thereof) too obvious. Do yourself a favor, Iguana Man – call the Fashion Police for a much needed guidance.
And my agony did not end there. On long trips, I usually just try to doze off so I won’t end up exhausting my eyes. They’re playing the movie ‘The Mummy 3’ on the bus and the volume was at its zenith, this way everyone inside the bus can hear the dialogue. It was still tolerable until my attempt to rest my eyes and my brain was interrupted by Iguana Man. His phone rang and he answered the call speaking on the top of his lungs. He definitely butchered what’s left of my eardrums. He continued to howl like a wolf in wilderness for a good 15 minutes. He probably thought he sounded cute. Not quite, buddy. Not quite.
I am not saying no one is allowed to answer their phones while traveling. We might be watching a movie, but we’re not exactly inside a theatre. I suppose what I am trying to point out here is that you do not have to have education to have good manners. You can talk to anyone over the phone for hours (people really won’t care) just as long as you keep your voice at a down. Have mercy on the passengers.
I have mentioned that I currently am stricken by depression (of what, I do not know. I only know that I have extreme mood swings. I can really be grouchy. Sorry.). Maybe it’s the universe’ way of humoring me…by having me cross paths with Iguana Man. Maybe I am supposed to learn something from this encounter. Maybe it’s just some sick test to find out if I am paying attention to things, if I can focus on other things aside from my depression. I am uncertain if there’s some valuable lesson in store for me here. Maybe there is. Maybe there isn’t. Maybe everything that transpired happened so that I can write and prove that…
The sadder I get, the (nastier, eheheh) more creative I become.
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