eros the bittersweet


in the quiet and stillness of this room cloaked with the scent of your skin, i am enslaved to the truth of loving you and the feeling of being loved by you.

and as we both have succumbed to slumber and awakened beside each other today, i realized i could not possibly want anything more than this, that i won't long for any other soul, heart or bones, save you.

my heart screams with anguish, as i know i will be heading to work in a few hours. that it would be, i suppose, the first time in a week that i won't live and breathe next to you. and i am afraid to admit that you are my heroine ~ habit-forming, indulging, addictive.

i know you and i are enveloped by the same sadness, so i promise to keep myself safe so i may be allowed another day to see you again. to embrace you. to kiss you. to whisper to you.

and tell you at last ~ you saved me. you saved me from myself ~ from the grief, misery, helplessness. from the ruins of my blood. from my afflicted thoughts. most of all ~ from an untimely death.

so thank you. from my heart to yours. from now until we conquer the infinite. from here to the end of our journey.

looking at your face today, as we watched the dawn spill light through the windows and over your bed, i am certain i desire only two things right this moment: you and a lifetime.



anais nin

and the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

t.s. eliot

i should have been a pair of ragged claws.

frida kahlo

i hope the exit is joyful and i hope never to return.