eros the bittersweet

synapses | sonnet three

i would want your synapses…
your beginnings, your springs,
your winter solstice, your indian
summers, your parched

summer twilights, i want the
littlest things that create you,
the swift, subtle realities
made tangible by your kind

and gentle soul, i want the
nuances and eccentricities you
dislike about yourself so i may

gather them one by one and
embrace them, as if they were
my own, as if they were a part of me.



anais nin

and the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

t.s. eliot

i should have been a pair of ragged claws.

frida kahlo

i hope the exit is joyful and i hope never to return.